Sunday, January 25, 2015

Believe in yourself - The Only Way to Create Change

Good Morning,

I apologize for the delay in my posting today.  I've been a bit under the weather today, but I gave myself a gut check and I'm ready to go.  Today I wanted to talk about believing in you because it is the only way people can become finishers.  By finisher I mean winner, champion, achieve your goals, and make a life that you want for yourself.

Have you ever had a great idea, concept, or a plan that would fix a problem?  Have you been told that it won't work, ignored, or they chose to do something different?  I'm sure you may have answered yes because this is something all people experience that teaches to develop thick skin to survive in the world.  In addition to the thick skin you must believe in yourself and what you can positively offer others.

More than a year ago I personally left a corporate position because I wanted to make a change in people's lives. In my last position I was unable to get that accomplished for a number of reasons, but I still believed there was something more I was supposed to do.  The creation of the MINDWAYS QUIT Solution Stop Smoking program I cofounded was a way to carry this hope of helping people change their lives.

This past year has been fraught with personal illness, losses, financial challenges, depression, and frustration at times.  That's life isn't it for each and everyone one of us, but through it all I've held on to the belief that I wanted to make a difference.  I wanted to be the change, I wanted to see people take control of their lives, and I wanted to see people live longer lives with those they love by sharing some information that would help end their battle with smoking.

What is it for you today?  Do you have doubters or do you doubt yourself?  We all have moments of uncertainty, but you need to remember who you are, the talents you have, and how you want to make others' lives better by following your passion.  I'm going to leave you with some quotes below that will hopefully encourage you today.  Have an amazing week, and look in that mirror and tell yourself "I can do it"!!!  Take care.   Dave 
"To succeed we must first believe that we can."  

                     Michael Korda

"A person can be as great as they want to be.  If you believe in yourself, and have courage, the determination, the dedication, the competitive drive, and if you are willing to sacrifice little things in life, and pay the price for the things that are more."  

                     Vince Lombardi

"Believe in yourself and there will come a day when others will have no choice but to believe."  

                      Cynthia Kersey

"To be a champ you have to believe in yourself when no one else will."

                      Sugar Ray Robinson

"Don't be afraid to be amazing."

                       Andy Offutt Irwin

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Thanks for visiting. I would love to hear your thoughts. Take care, Dave.