Sunday, December 21, 2014

E-cigarettes - What do you know?

Things to know about e-cigarettes

  • There isn't any need to light them because they may explode - True.  E-cigarettes are powered by lithium batteries that don't mix well with extreme heat.  Certain devices may have a red light indicator at the end of the e cigarette that glows as the user inhales.

  • They may contain liquid nicotine which is toxic - This is a concern because a teaspoon of liquid nicotine can be lethal to humans if inhaled directly, ingested, or absorbed through the skin.  Poison control centers across American have been seeing an increasing number of incidents related to e cigarettes for children under the age of 5.  If you have small children like me, please store the device safely like your household cleaning agents.[ Source- Association of American Poison Control Centers]

  • They aren't regulated by the FDA - Therefore you can't be sure that a device has been tested or that they are providing accurate information on the contents or amount found in the e cigarette.  The FDA only has been involved in overseeing the regulation of who can buy the devices, by prohibiting sales to minors. [source: FDA].

  • They're reusable and cost less than a smoking habit - the cartridges used and the lithium battery needs to be replaced according to the manufacturers instructions, but the cost is around $600 per year versus $1000 to $3000 for a smoking habit.

  • E cigarettes create secondhand smoke or vapor issues that have been shown to be harmful to human lungs.  "Despite the marketing claims that e-cigarettes are safer than smoking tobacco, researchers are finding e-cig users experience diminished lung function, airway resistance and cellular changes, regardless of whether or not they currently (or ever) smoke cigarettes. And in the lab, cells exposed to e-cigarette vapor show unhealthy changes similar to cells exposed to tobacco smoke. Users who vape nicotine-free e-cigs can't escape the effects, either; they also experience airway resistance and other signs of inflammation as side effects of e-cigarette use." [source: FDA].
This information was provided by Trimarchi, Maria, and Susan Cassidy.  "10 Little-known Facts About E-cigarettes"  10 January 2011. <>  01 July 2014.

My thoughts on e cigarettes  - Our program doesn't propose anything other than a natural way of trying to stop smoking.  Therefore, we don't need to discuss side effects, harmful effects caused by use of a certain product, or worry about providing an expensive alternative program because of additional costs related to nicotine replacement options or devices.

Tomorrow I'll be sharing some research concerning the effectiveness of e cigarettes in helping people to quit smoking.  Until then have a great day.  Dave

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