Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Every Day in Every Way Thinking Your Way to Positive Life Outcomes By David Greene RN, CCWC

Just a little eBook I put together some time ago.  

Table of Contents

  I.          Seeing the Tip of the Iceberg

A.   Exploring the Origin of Thought
B.   Creating a Link for Perception
C.   Peak Possibilities

II.          Creating the Pathway to Success

A.   No Failure, Only Feedback
B.   Eradicate and Eliminate
C.   Stress, Strain, and Confusion

III.          Reaching the Peak

A.   Designing Your Expectations
B.   Achieving a New Reality
C.   Success Follows You

IV.          Speaking Success

A.   The Power of Affirmations
B.   Looking in the Mirror
C.   30 Day to a Positive Outcome

 V.          Listening for Outcomes

A.   Perfecting Your Perception with Hypnosis

VI.          Bibliography

I.            Seeing the Tip of the Iceberg
Icebergs are part of the beautiful landscape that can be seen in the coldest oceans on the planet.  They are a magnificent sight to behold, but are very deceiving to the eye because they appear to be completely above the water.  Scientific researchers have revealed that only 10% of iceberg is represented by the visible tip, and the remaining 90% is below the water level.
Text Box:

The human mind is formed with a similar framework concerning the origin of thought.  The “Conscious” mind is that section that is figuratively seen from miles away.  While the “Sub-conscious” is the other 90% that is unseen, and has the ability to alter the course of thought patterns without directed input.

The conscious mind processes thoughts with sequence, rationale, and judgments.  It is the portion of the mind that seeks to understand why, and determines the morality of current perceptions.  Sigmund Freud was known as the “Father of Psychoanalytical Theory”, and divided the mind into three distinct areas:

Conscious“The conscious mind consists of those things of which we are currently aware and to which we are currently attentive. The conscious mind also includes our current thinking processes, behaviors and environmental awareness. Hence, it can be obviously concluded that the conscious mind constitutes the major part of our current awareness.” 1

Pre-conscious“The preconscious mind consisted of all those things of which we are aware, but currently are not attentive (Freud, 2002 revised ed.). He further conceived that we can choose to pay attention to these and deliberately bring them into the conscious mind. 

Finally, with respect to the pre-conscious mind, Freud believed that we can control our awareness to a certain extent, from focusing in very closely on one conscious act to a wider awareness that seeks to expand consciousness to include as much of preconscious information as possible.” 1

Sub-conscious - “The process and content are out of direct reach of the conscious mind. The subconscious thus thinks and acts independently (Freud, 2002 revised ed.). One of Freud's key findings was that much behavior is driven directly from the subconscious mind. This has the alarming consequence that we are largely unable to control our behavior, and in particular that which we would sometimes prefer to avoid. More recent research has shown that the subconscious mind is probably even more in charge of our actions than even Freud had realized Murphy, 2001).1

Freud also developed another theory that formed the vehicle for creating a link between the “conscious and sub-conscious”.  Freud's massive, overall theory on personality includes the Id, the Ego and the Super ego.

   The Id contains our primitive drives and operates largely according to the pleasure principle, whereby its two main goals are the seeking of pleasure and the avoidance of pain (Freud, 1962).1   Freud goes on to say that it has no real perception of reality and seeks to satisfy its needs through what he called the primary processes that dominate the existence of infants, including hunger and self-protection.

  Unlike the Id, the Ego is aware of reality and operates using the reality principle. The reality principle implies that the Ego recognizes what is real and understands that behaviors have consequences. This includes the effects of social rules that are necessary in order to live and socialize with other people. It uses secondary processes such as perception, recognition, judgment and memory that are developed during childhood. The dilemma of the Ego is that it has to somehow balance the demands of the Id and Super ego with the constraints of reality (Freud, 1962). The Ego controls higher mental processes such as reasoning and problem-solving, which it uses to solve the Id-Super ego dilemma, creatively finding ways to safely satisfy the Id's basic urges within the constraints of the Super ego.1
The Super ego contains our values and social morals, which often come from the rules of right and wrong that we learned in childhood from our parents and are contained in the conscience. The Super ego has a model of an ego ideal which it uses as a prototype against which to compare the ego and towards which it encourages the ego to move. The Super ego is a counterbalance to the Id, and seeks to inhibit the Id's pleasure-seeking demands, particularly those for sex and aggression.1


The link between the conscious and the sub-conscious occurs when information is absorbed through the parts of the personality.  The Ego is the “common sense” portion of the personality that can determine actions based on the judgments of the “super ego”, but there is a constant shuffle of information that is constantly archived into the mind’s hard disk, the “sub-conscious”. 

Learning to ride a bike is similar because there needs to be a sequence of actions performed all at once.  Balance, speed, momentum, and judgment have to work interdependently to keep the bike moving safely down the road.  As conditions change, adjustments have to be made quickly to avoid disaster.  The sub-conscious alike quickly retrieves archived information, and passes it to the conscious so there action can happen quickly without volition.  By understanding how communication occurs between the two sections, interventions can be directed to alter performance and change behaviors. 

Creating the Pathway to Success

When pursuing goals it’s crucial to believe in the ability to attain the milestone and be successful.  If the endeavor is undertaken with less than a confident mindset there’s high likelihood failure may occur.  The way to create a pathway to success is by understanding how to harness the power of the sub-conscious to influence actions and attitudes.  Training the mind to perceive challenges as opportunities to achieve success is a very powerful method to achieve goals both personally and professionally. 

Here are a few case studies that demonstrate the power of the human mind to alter perceptions and achieve outcomes:

  1).  Drying Sheets - A group of Tibetan Monks meditation techniques were studied because they put their bodies in very difficult states for long periods, and appear to change their own physiology to achieve their spiritual goals. "In one of the most notable exhibits of their skills, a group of Tibetan monks allowed physicians to monitor the monk’s bodily changes as they engaged in a meditative yoga technique known as g Tum-mo. During the process the monks were cloaked in wet, cold sheets (49 f / 9.4 c) and placed in a 40 f (4.5 c) room. In such conditions, the average person would likely experience uncontrollable shivering and would shortly suffer hypothermia. However, through deep concentration, the monks were able to generate body heat, and within minutes the researchers noticed steam rising from the sheets that were covering he monks. Within an hour, the sheets were completely dry."2

2).  Multiple Personality Disorder - In one case, published by the American Psychiatric Press, a doctor noted how medications prescribed to a dissociative identity disorder patient had different effects depending on what “personality” took the drug. For example, when a tranquilizer was given to the person’s childish persona, it made the individual sleepy and relaxed. However, when the adult personality was administered the same drug it made him anxious and confused. Similar results were found with other patients and with a variety of different medications. Doctors even noticed visibly apparent traits, like lazy eye, would come and go depending on which personality was present.  This phenomenon is especially fascinating since no one, including the patients, is claiming mysticism is at work. On the contrary, it is a genuine example of the mind altering the body.2

3). A placebo is an inert substance or belief which produces real biological effects in humans. It’s so widely accepted as fact that a placebo variable is included in most medical tests as way of proving if, say, a drug works on its own merits or because people “think” it works. There are tons of experiments showing the proof of the placebo, but one of the most amusing to watch is a test done by a group of Princeton students who decided to throw a non-alcoholic keg party for their unsuspecting classmates. The experimenters secretly filled a keg with O’Doul’s (contains about 0.4% alcohol while regular beer has around 5% alcohol) and then watched as their peers acted silly, slurred words, slept on the ground, and generally acted drunk…
These college students had such a strong belief hey were drinking standard beer that it affected their behavior.2

In addition to reframing thoughts, it is important to take proactive specific steps that create positive outcomes, and achieve success.  Here is the “step by step” process:

 Mission - Have a purpose 
Have you ever been on a sailboat or motorboat?  Now think of the cruise you were on, and what would have happened if these boats didn't have rudders?  It wouldn't have been too fun floating aimlessly out in the middle of nowhere with the challenge of getting back on course.  Each person has unique talents and interests.  Do you have a plan to merge those two things, so you can enjoy the life making a difference?  If not, I encourage you to sit down and write a list - (create your mission) - It's time to attach that rudder to your life.

Take responsibility for your life 
Things will happen in life unexpectantly, and the type of response used in that moment can determine future successes. It’s imperative that people learn and implement a great Marine Corps saying - "Improvise, Adapt, and Overcome".  By taking this approach to difficulties encountered, you will be able to quickly provide solutions by becoming an efficient problem solver.

Believe in yourself -   A large part of achieving things in life is having the persistence and perseverance to continue on when no one is at your side.  The only way you can do this is to wholeheartedly believe in yourself, and what you have to offer.  If you don't believe in yourself it will be challenging for anyone else to do the same.  Start your day in the morning by exclaiming “I can, I can, and I can".  It will set the tone, and create the pathway full of a day of successes.

Have the Mind of a winner - Creating the mindset of a winner is crucial to making it through life's hurdles.  How do you look at the world?  When I was a manager I always encouraged staff to think of the possibilities, and bring me new ideas that would improve our situation.  I knew any dud could point out the negative in a situation, but I wanted to inspire them to be innovative and imagine achieving the prize.  It sure made for a better work environment where people felt comfortable to share ideas and possibilities.  Make sure to take time for yourself each day to stay focused - at least 30 minutes at a minimum.

Create a Personal Plan for Your Success - How many games are won without a plan?  Zilch.  Setting goals is the key to being a champion in your life.  There needs to be a defined concerted effort to making your mission a reality.  Is it a new degree, a promotion, a personal relationship, or your health?  Whatever it is you need to do the following to be certain you hit the mark:
Make your goals specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time specific, set incremental goals that continue to increase in difficulty as you stay focused on your mission/purpose, and track your success to ensure that you reward yourself for your accomplishments.
Reaching the Peak

When a climber is standing at the base of the mountain the peak can appear impossible to reach, but if they begin to visualize themselves at the top it quickly becomes less daunting.   The process of using positive affirmations to change your perception is a similar process:

"Positive Affirmations", are short directed positive action statements concerning something you want to achieve or change like a certain mindset or behavior.  These statements are used as sub-conscious messaging.  The way the affirmation is constructed is extremely important in successfully changing thought patterns.  The more motivated you are to alter your life, the easier it will be to see affirmations work in your life. 

How do affirmations work?  When you say your positive affirmation, the subconscious archives the information for evaluation.  There are only two choices the subconscious can consider, acceptance or denial.  The subconscious won’t evaluate the response, but merely go with whatever the most prominent inner voice might be concerning the issue at hand.  Therefore, when you continue to say positive affirmations you provide the playback the subconscious uses when responding to life challenges.  As you regularly say the affirmations, you should experience the sense of wellbeing stated in the affirmations.  When this occurs its confirmation you’re on the right track.

How to use them?  Here is a list of tips to follow that will encourage your success:                           
§  Make it personal
§  Make it positive
§  Make it current
§  Make it believable
§  Make it simple
§  Stand in front of the mirror using a confident voice and stance.  Say your affirmations 5x for each in the morning, and before you go to bed at night.

How quickly can you see results?   When you choose to say affirmations that have meaning and a purpose you can see results quickly.  If you’re thinking becomes negative when saying the affirmation your subconscious may be resisting the message.  When this occurs do the following:

§  Releasing statements – There may be emotions of feelings holding you back.  Say something like, “I forgive, I don’t need to feel, or any statement that releases any sense of guilt or shame that might be stalling the process.
§  Becoming statements – “I am becoming”.  Sometimes people struggle with I am, so I am becoming can be more believable and unlock the subconscious ability to accept the affirmation.
§  Acknowledgment statements – This is giving yourself a pat on the back.  “I met my goals successfully, and I feel great”.


As you follow these steps for using affirmations you’ll feel and see changes occur within the first 30 days.  Here is a list for your first month.  You can do it!!!

Go through the list and choose 30 affirmations that apply to the changes you desire to make in your life.  You can create your own or alter these if that helps.  Remember this is a process that you’re starting, and will need to stay motivated to create the Positive outcomes you wish to see in your life.

30 Days to a New Beginning

ÿ       I have unlimited creativity, drive and motivation.
ÿ       I am pursuing my goals every day.
ÿ       I am taking action with each new opportunity.
ÿ       I am energized and motivated to take on any task in front of me.
ÿ       I am ready and willing to accept the good in my life.
ÿ       I am a winner, and I never quit.
ÿ       Staying motivated comes easily to me.
ÿ       I achieve and exceed all that I put my mind to in life.
ÿ       I expect positive outcomes to all my goals.
ÿ       I attract positive people who share a common vision.
ÿ       I am living each day to the fullest.
ÿ       My life is full of purpose and motivation.
ÿ       I have unlimited energy.
ÿ       I am energized when I achieve my goals.
ÿ       I am focused on achieving my dreams.
ÿ       I wake up energized and ready to face the day.
ÿ       I am confident in my abilities to be successful
ÿ       I love myself and I am proud of who I am.
ÿ       I am conscious of maintaining a healthy body.
ÿ       I am calm and at peace in my mind.
ÿ       I am drinking water daily to cleanse my body.
ÿ       I think only positive thoughts, and choose to remain joyous in any circumstance.
ÿ       I see each day as an opportunity.
ÿ       I am always happy, hale and hearty. Happy in spirit, hale in body and hearty in disposition.
ÿ       I am energetic, strong, and full of vitality.
ÿ       Every day in every way I am creating Positive Outcomes in my life.



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