The brain is one of the most
important parts of our body and any disease related to the brain or the nervous
system is a cause of worry. A brain aneurysm is a form of deformity in which a
balloon or bulge is formed in one of the blood vessels of the brain. It usually
looks as if a berry is hanging on to a stem.
How Does
Leaking/Ruptured Aneurysm Affect the Brain?
The leaking or rupturing
of the aneurysm seriously affects the brain:
§ Leaking or rupturing of
the brain aneurysm can cause bleeding within the brain leading to hemorrhagic
§ This rupture of the
brain usually occurs in between the thin tissues that cover the brain and the
brain space.
§ Once the rupture of an
aneurysm occurs, it starts affecting the other functions of the brain and can
prove fatal.
§ The hemorrhagic stroke
that occurs in this way is known as subarachnoid haemorrhage.
Un-ruptured Aneurysm
§ There are several
aneurysms though that do not rupture or cause health-affecting symptoms.
§ Such aneurysms are
mostly traced when tests are carried out for analysing other health problems
affecting the brain.
§ An appropriate treatment
can be suggested for such un-ruptured aneurysm by the doctor to prevent chances
of leakage or rupture in the future.
Symptoms of Ruptured
One of the major
symptoms of a ruptured aneurysm is severe headache and is supposed to be the
worst ever experienced by anyone. Some other symptoms include:
§ Extreme to severe
§ Double vision or blurred
§ Stiff neck
§ Confusion
§ Seizure
§ Unconsciousness
§ Drooping Eyelid
§ Light sensitivity
Symptoms of Leaking
In some cases, the
aneurysm may not rupture but there can be slight leaking of blood that can
cause severe headache. Mostly a rupture always leads to leaks.
Symptoms of an
Unruptured Aneurysm
Many times if the
aneurysm is very small, no symptoms are produced. However, in cases of large
unruptured aneurysm certain problems can arise due to the pressing of the bulge
on the nerves and brain tissues. Symptoms in such cases include:
§ Drooping Eyelid
§ Numbness, paralysis or
weakness on one side
§ Dilated pupil
§ Pain behind or above the
§ Double vision or change
in the vision
§ Severe headache
If you suffer from any
of the above symptoms, you should consult your caregiver.
Is it Possible to Avoid
Brain Aneurysm?
Clinically, there is no
guaranteed remedy that can keep the formation of a brain aneurysm at bay.
However, you can always reduce the chances of its formation by keeping a check
on things that stimulate their development such as high blood pressure and
Smoking and Aneurysm
§ Clinical researchers
have revealed that people who smoke regularly are at a greater risk of
developing brain aneurysm.
§ The risk is more in
people who carry a special type of gene variable in their body.
§ Such people are more
likely to develop cancer or heart disease in further courses.
§ When people with
specific gene variation smoke frequently, they become vulnerable to aneurysm.
§ On the other hand,
people who quit smoking are at less risk of developing brain aneurysm.
§ Passive smoking or
secondhand smoking too is equally dangerous
You can take help of NHS
service that guides you into quitting smoking, or you can ask for medication
from your doctor to help you quit smoking.
Family History and
§ One of the ways to
reduce the development of aneurysms is by checking with your family history and
accordingly taking necessary steps.
§ If one or two of your
family members in the recent past have suffered from an aneurysm, you should
opt for screening of your brain.
§ In case you have
developed an eye disorder or double vision problem and also have a family
history of aneurysm, you must go for the screening test.
§ Carrying out the test
prior to rupture saves you from further problems and the aneurysm can be easily
treated without causing any severe health condition.
Control Hypertension to
Avoid Aneurysm
blood pressure can also lead to the development of a brain
aneurysm. The best way is to reducehypertension by
following the below steps:
§ Take healthy diet, cut
down on salt and eat lots of vegetables and fresh fruits
§ Keep the intake of
alcohol from moderate to low
§ Maintain a normal weight
and lose the extra weight if any, to keep the high blood pressure under control
§ Exercise regularly
All these measures can
help you avoid the problem of a brain aneurysm