Good Evening,
Does it ever seem like the black cloud has a target on you, and is just following you everywhere you go? That's sadly how life can seem at times, and those challenges can throw us off our pathway to success if we don't stay vigilant. How do I know? Well I've veered myself, and I'm on my own journey to get back on track to living the way that brings me the most health and happiness.
What is the secret to getting back on track? Obviously I'm not the expert, but I know that how we deal with our struggles in life can make us or break us. Here are a couple of things I'm trying in my own life right know to get back on track because it's worked before, and I know it will work this time. Here it goes:
Realize you took a wrong turn - Often we make decisions that don't materialize the way we thought they would, or we've allowed issues in our life control our actions by adopting unhealthy coping strategies. The only way to get back on track is to realize we've made a wrong turn. Sometimes it takes a while for some of us of to admit to failure or simply recognize that we're lost. In my life I looked around, and finally was able to say "Oh crap I'm lost". We all veer of course, but keeping our eye on the map while admitting we're lost if the first step to getting back on track.
Asking for Directions - After you've come to the realization that you're lost, you must wave your hand at the next car to ask for directions. This can be a humbling feeling, but you won't be able to find your way back to the right path without that guidance. I'm doing this myself this Friday with someone I consider a mentor. Sometimes you realize that your vision is so blurry that you can't see the map, and need someone with a clear vision to guide the way.
Take the Wheel - I know that Carrie Underwood did a wonderful job at coining this phrase, so I thought I'd follow suit. Once we receive that guidance we need to "Take the Wheel", and start steering our car back toward a healthy destination. In order to do this we have to have the mindset that leads to success.
Don't Veer - In order to stay on the path we need a mindset that supports our success. That means we need to give ourselves permission to succeed, believe that we have the ability to persevere even when our road becomes extremely bumpy, and ensure we don't get distracted by other roads that will get us off track.
Cross the Finish Line - The final step in achieving a successful journey is to "Cross the Finish Line" or to reach your destination. Creating success in our lives is all about the ability to follow through, and see our goals and dreams to their completion. By using this brief blueprint, believing in the process, understanding we need help, and following our heart with new resolve we'll reach the destination of our choosing.
I'm hopping in the "figurative" car this Friday for my new journey, and I encourage you to join me. We don't have anything to lose, but everything to gain by getting on the road to new goals in our lives. Take care, and happy travels to you on your journey.